Avatar, seven years old kid from Rajasthan claims that he was Subash by name in his past life, who was resident of Punjab. He was killed by two persons on 15th August,2003 on the issue of money, and they killed him on the railway track. He had welding shop and had two brothers in his past life, and interestingly he has recognise both his brothers of past life. His present life father’s name is Charan Singh, boy speaks Punjabi fluently, when boy was called by electronics media in their studio and also experts of different fields then once again no body sure if it is the reality or a story as astrologer was claiming it can happen and have given examples of hindu stories and doctors claimed that no doubt boy is mentally good but he needs some session with doctors to get rid on to the problem, so again it leaves every followers of the story in the state of confusion.
Avatar of present life and Subash of last life wants to live with both the families and also wants his killer get punishment but our law does not permit witness of rebirth as authentic witness, despite as per reports case against two accused named are already under trail in the court. Accepted in medical terms he needs session with doctors but as per hindu religion his soul needs justice, so no body can be sure what is the real truth of Avatar, as listening views of different sections one believes they are right other are wrong.